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Should it be a part of your heart
Read this story
Some day...Some how...He was going around with his buddies and his eyes fall on her..He saw aface like the sun and blue Eyes like the pure see under the sunset
He asked wether any body know her..NO body knows her
Then what he got to do
He decided to talk to her
One day he was going to have his dinner
He saw her there
he went to her and told her can i have aseat?
it was ashock to him when she said yes...not his expecting
He set with her and exchaned speach
and that was there first date
He asked if he can see her again..and he got that..WoW every thing goes fine till now
she was so quiet and polite So when they become aclose friends he asked her to mary him
That was his most nervious and shy in his life
She accepted him
they got their arrangments and every thing
and at the night of the wedding....She disappeared ??
Do you know...She travled away to her husband
What ashock
And now the decision is yours
Should it be apart of his heart
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة mr_gawafa ; 06-07-2007 الساعة 07:31 PM
thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mora for this beautiful topic
You are welcome ,,,You are so kind
so what ??
r u askin If he have to think about her again !!
she was playin wid his heart
she is just a liar so every thing was goin so easy
maybe he was really lover but she was really liar
so I think he have to let It go .... yup It's so easy to say so hard to do
but It's the right way ...... let It go
thank u gawafa for the story
weatin for more bro
Soon ان شاء الله
I agree with Leko,
what a very beautiful begining,
and what a miserable ending
I think he should let it go
it will be no use for him even to remember her
Thank you guys for ur answers
Should...? I don't know. But it seems he would have no choice. For better or for worse, this girl and this event probably do have a part in his heart. You can't erase memories just like *that.*
I'm curious now how this boy copes with his broken heart, and what this girl was thinking.![]()
I think the girl's case like the unfaithful movie...But the boy..i don't think so..i think he is gonna close his room on himself till death..What u think guys?
The unfaithful movie...? I've never heard of it, I think.
This boy is having a very severe response. It's for a good reason, but... Where are those buddies he was hanging out with at the beginning? Shouldn't they drag him out?
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