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What would u do if..
U have agirl that u adore most..and love her so much
and u found all your friends one day come to u with all sadiness and told u that she died in a car accident..
u can't hold ur breath..u almost deid on this bad news
and while you are going to attend her funeral...you found her standing in front of you...the women that deid were another women not yours..
What would you do?
Amr,I wonder why most of your topics are strange these days :P
I will be so happy that I will cry in her arms,
wow; what a feeling
That's the feeling i felt too..i'd shout her name to all people i'll never let her go out of my sight just one second again
Though the ceremony is closed-casket, I have to see her one last time... This girl in the coffin here...! I drop the lid, and the slam is as loud as gunfire in an otherwise quiet church.
"----- isn't dead!" I'd blurt. "----- isn't dead! ----- ISN'T DEAD! This isn't her!"
The pallbearers grab me and try to drag me out. "Look for yourselves!" I shout as I struggle. The mourners give me disdainful looks. After all, I'm just the evil lesbian who led this innocent girl astray.
"God's sake, people! She could be bleeding, dying somewhere!"
I suddenly quit struggling and bolt in the direction the pallbearers are trying to drag me. I keep running, out into the sickeningly happy sunshine. I don't know where to start looking for her. If she isn't dead, where has she been all these days?
Dear Austin,...You make from my story another wonderful one
Thank you
I was thinking of your last question..i think She was at the same car that had an accident But they took out another girl..and ours was ok but badly hurted ,, she ran away looking for help
While the rescue team came to take them out. A bout seeing her at her coffin..i think the shock didn't make them to think about any thing and seeing her was the real amazing shock to them.
Your story is good for the brain juices, so thank you. This is fun.
But who is this other girl? How did she get mis-identified?
Is this a long-running project? We could make the weirdness official by getting space aliens involved... :P
Well... Detective Austin :-B I think they r gonna search for what is this girl is...but the thing we are pointing at is our girl
Yeah... I'm glad to have her back. (Hugs not-dead girlfriend)
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