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I'm feeling Dark Knight no more

تقييم هذا المقال
Many things changed
I'm not feeling as dark knight any more
dark knights do things I'm not doing anymore
dark knights don't do things I started to get used to doing it
I'm not feeling as a dark knight, but I'm still feeling dark
I'm still wearing black, but not dark knight custom
how long can anybody fight darkness, until he finds darkness inside himself?
The good thing I love in myself, is that I blame myself for my mistakes
But my mistakes are are getting more and more
and even bigger
I'm afraid to get used to them and use them as a pattern of life
We are at the years of life, when man changes to the man who he'll be for the rest of his life
and I won't be like this for long
I won't give up and I'll be back

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  1. الصورة الرمزية Spider GirL
    اية كل الأحباط دة
    فى فارس يبقى متشائم كدة يا كوكى
    تصدق ضايقتنى اوى
    لية كدة فعلا
  2. الصورة الرمزية آه...لو
    how long can anybody fight darkness, until he finds darkness inside himself?

    The one how fight all this darkness in the collage , at the home every where even on his computer , can't Defeated his own darkness inside him self.
    the whole problem is that you can't wear the dark knight mask then - Suddenly- you decide to throw it away,you can't simply do it .
    you are the dark knight and you will still , even for those are needs you .
    you can take a rest and continue what you already started , but you cant throw it all .
    even the dark knight need help some times .
    we all beside you , but you have to give us the way to help you.
    Let me just remember you , you have your real personality you are "
    "... don't make the dark knight kill him inside you .
    don't give him the chance to arrest who you really are .
    take care my friend

  3. الصورة الرمزية Silent Guardian
    This isn't depression
    it's confession
  4. الصورة الرمزية Silent Guardian
    My dearest person
    you can understand many thing i feel without telling
    you understand my thoughts just when i think about them
    I'm 100% sure that there are many sentences and quotes , I know that you are the only one who will understand
    thanks my friend for being here for me now, and all over the time
    all what you said is right
    and I never lost my confident in you
    but only one thing you missed
    * I didn't choose to take off dark knight custom
    * I transformed without my choice
    may be I really need help
  5. الصورة الرمزية Spider GirL
    بجد هتعرف اننا فعلا صحابك بجد مش بس فهمى
    وبنحبك وبنحس بيك حتى من غير ما تتكلم
    حتى احيانا لو مش قادرنا نفهمك لكن صدقنى بنحاول كتير حتى لو انت بتخبى كتير
  6. الصورة الرمزية Silent Guardian
    عارف يا كوكي
    و الحياة حلوة .. شعاري الابدي
    انا قلعت لبس The Dark Knight مؤقتا لاني مستاهلهوش حاليا
    مش لاني اختارت اني اقلعه
    و لما احس اني استاهله تاني
  7. الصورة الرمزية Silent Guardian
    على فكرة
    الموضوع ده قديييييييييييييم
    انا واخد القرار من بدري
    لكن اتاكد اني لازم انفذه يوم اخر مشكلة حصلت على المنتدى
    الموضوع ده مش جديد
    و دي اهم نقطة .. بل هي النقطة الوحيدة اللي الموضوع كله بيتكلم عليها

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