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DJ Music Mixer is a full-featured DJ and beat-mixing system to create your
own custom DJ-style music. The application’s features include MP3, and WAV
player with two independent decks and professional sound quality, as well as
beat-sync display, pitch control, and fast-seek mode. There is a crossfader
for manual mixing and an autofade functionality.
Play multiple MP3, and Wave files with configurable number of ’sampler’,
each of which has its own player and volume control. Also consist of 10-band Equalizer and more than 12 presets to make your work easier and faster. Many wonderful effects such as Chorus, Flanger, and Gargle will rock your parties better. So try it and you will be amazed how easily you can become a beat mixing DJ.
DJ Music Mixer Features:
Work with two independent decks.
Full-functionality on effects such as Chorus, Flanger, Gargle, Echo,
Use ’sampler’ which has its own player and volume control.
Auto and manual crossfader.
Pitch control on MP3 and WAV files.
Free update for any new version.
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بعد احداث 25 يناير
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