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معلومات الموضوع

تحميل Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility كامل و كراك و سيريال

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النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2
  1. #1
    The Dark Knight
    الصورة الرمزية The Dark Knight

    افتراضي تحميل Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility كامل و كراك و سيريال

    The Intel reg Chipset Software Installation Utility also known as the Intel reg Chipset Device Software is often referred to as the chipset driver or chipset drivers This is a common misconception A driver is a program that allows a computer to communicate or talk to a piece of hardware The Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility however is not a driver nor does it include drivers It contains information files INFs
    An INF is a text file that provides the operating system with information about a piece of hardware on the system In the case of the current Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility that information is primarily the product name for the piece of hardware This allows the operating system to show the correct name for that piece of hardware in Device Manager

    If a chipset is released well after an operating system the INF allows the operating system to identify all the pieces of the chipset Intel and Microsoft work together to include information on both current and future chipsets in new operating systems so in many cases the operating system will recognize all the pieces of the chipset even without the INF
    The best rule of thumb is that unless you are installing an operating system you don 39 t need to install the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility If you do install the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility after installing the operating system and the installation program recognizes that some or all of the product names in Device Manager match the product names in the included INF files it just won 39 t install those INF files
    INF files outline to the operating system how to configure the Intel R chipset components in order to ensure that the following features function properly
    Core PCI and ISAPNP Services
    AGP Support
    IDE ATA33 ATA66 ATA100 Storage Support
    SATA Storage Support
    USB Support
    Identification of Intel R Chipset Components in the Device Manager

  2. #2
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية GeLoOo

    رقم العضوية : 13321
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jul 2010
    المشاركات : 8.596
    مزاجي : Angelic
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره مرة واحدة في مشاركة واحدة
    الدولة : مـــــصـــــر
    الجنس : ذكر
    العمر : 34
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : GeLoOo غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 23



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