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Conquer today 39 s deadlines and tomorrow 39 s challenges with Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium software the ultimate video production toolkit Craft video productions motion graphics visual effects and interactive experiences with high performance industry leading creative tools Boost your productivity with tightly integrated components that deliver breakthrough performance and smooth production workflows giving you the power to produce engaging media for virtually any screen
With the latest versions of Adobe 39 s best of breed video audio and design tools CS5 Production Premium offers enhancements that help you work more efficiently when tackling a broad spectrum of planning production and post production tasks Each component offers a familiar user interface and integrates with other components for a complete end to end toolset that accelerates video editing workflows from scriptwriting through post production Work more fluidly on HD and higher resolution projects with native 64 bit support in Adobe After Effects CS5 Photoshop CS5 Extended and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 The new Adobe Mercury Playback Engine speeds up effects processing and rendering in Adobe Premiere Pro Export video sequences from Photoshop CS5 Extended and import them into After Effects CS5 Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and Adobe Encore CS5 Work with new painting tools make complex selections more easily and create 3D logos from text masks or vectors Tap the full power of Production Premium even if you favor Final Cut Pro or Avid NLEs Move projects easily back and forth between these editors and Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Use Adobe Media Encoder to batch encode source files to many standards Author once in Encore CS5 for DVDs Blu ray Disc media and searchable web DVDs Use Adobe Device Central CS5 to preview and test mobile content Collaborate easily thanks to integration with Adobe CS Live online services Adobe Story a scriptwriting tool that accelerates production and post production and Adobe CS Review and Acrobat com which enable you to initiate reviews and collect client feedback on dailies storyboards and edited works in progress
Adobe Creative Suite 5 Production Premium includes Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 After Effects CS5 Photoshop CS5 Extended Illustrator CS5 Flash Catalyst CS5 Flash Professional CS5 Soundbooth CS5 Adobe OnLocation CS5 Encore CS5 Bridge CS5 Device Central CS5 and Dynamic Link
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