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Adobe reg Creative Suite reg 5 Master Collection software enables you to design and develop amazing work collaborate effectively and deliver virtually anywhere Adobe reg Creative Suite reg 5 Master Collection software delivers a comprehensive toolset for designing across media Explore exciting enhancements that include new ways to create interactive content breakthrough performance and integration with new Adobe CS Live online services to boost productivity
What 39 s inside
nbsp Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
nbsp Adobe Illustrator CS5
nbsp Adobe InDesign CS5
nbsp Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro
nbsp Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5
nbsp Adobe Flash Professional CS5
nbsp Adobe Flash Builder 4
nbsp Adobe Dreamweaver CS5
nbsp Adobe Fireworks CS5
nbsp Adobe Contribute CS5
nbsp Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
nbsp Adobe After Effects CS5
nbsp Adobe Soundbooth CS5
nbsp Adobe OnLocation CS5
nbsp Adobe Encore CS5
nbsp Adobe Bridge CS5
nbsp Adobe Device Central CS5
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