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nbsp Unpack and read the readme nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
nbsp This is a proof of concept activator based on KMS dedicated to reinforce nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
nbsp your experience of Windows 7 Professional version nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp
nbsp The Tiger year is coming good luck to you all nbsp nbsp
Install Notes
0 Open your command promot and enter quot slmgr vbs ipk FJ82H XT6CR J8D7P XQJJ2 GPDD4 quot
1 In your command promot enter quot slmgr vbs skms 127 0 0 1 quot
2 Double click our keygen exe
3 In the promot execute the command quot slmgr vbs ato quot
Step 0 is only needed in case you have installed your win7 pro w o KMS client mode
It works on all flavors of win7 pro no matter x86 or x64
After 180d you need to re active your win7 pro that 39 s rule of KMS
Feel free to upgrade your win7 pro after activation it 39 s WGA compliance
Nothing more it 39 s only PoC enjoy
:كوكى::كوكى::كوكى::كوكى::كوكى: :ز5::ز5::ز5::ز5:
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