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- الإهدائات >> فراشة الاسلام الي فكك منى : المنتدى وحشنى اوووووووووووووووووووى رغم الفضاء والتصحر ده كوكى الي مصطفى شومان : انت فين يا ابنى انت انا جيييييييييييييت ده لو انت فاكرنى اصلا؟؟؟؟ فراشة الاسلام الي اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : كل سنة وانتوا طيبين وعيد سعيد عليكوا Mannora الي اصحااااااااااااب زمااان : مس يووووووووووووووو فينيام زمان كنا بنذاكر ع فكك ونطبق يوميا يخرب بيت الفيس بقى مجهول الي fokakmeny_down : منتدى ثقيل دم موووو حلووو أستغفر الله العظيم لولا الي كل المنتدى : وحشتونى وحشتونى وحشتونى وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبخير همسة الي فكك منى : وحشتنى يا منتدايا الغالى , سلامى لكل الناس اللى موجوده وبالأخص صحابى ,فكك منى 2007 و 2008 كان بيتنا وجنتنا. فراشة الاسلام الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : اووووووووووف الدراسة تانى مش هخلص انا شكلى باااااااااااااااى باااااااااااى فكك منى فراشة الاسلام الي كل كل اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : احلفكوا بأيه فوووووووقوا شوية .......حرام عليكم المنتدى عفن من كتر الركنة الشبح الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : لقد عاد شبح المنتدى من اراد منك شئ فليطلبة منى

معلومات الموضوع

تحميل CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer v1.0.1314 Multilingual + KeyGen كامل و كراك و سي

رابط الموضوع لارساله الى اصدقائك

النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2
  1. #1
    The Dark Knight
    الصورة الرمزية The Dark Knight

    افتراضي تحميل CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer v1.0.1314 Multilingual + KeyGen كامل و كراك و سي

    Company CyberLink a well known provider of tools for working with the media produces a useful product called CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer This application allows you to significantly improve the quality of video playback including content supplied with markings laquo High Quality raquo and laquo HD raquo At the core of the product are the same technology to improve the quality of digital images which were used by CyberLink in its flagship product the popular program DVD player PowerDVD YouTube portal represents the largest online repository of videos provided by amateurs and professionals However most published on rollers do not have exceptional quality Annex CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer provide enhanced picture clarity eliminate the most notable failures and allows viewers to get more pleasure from viewing streaming video content

    Key features
    Smart mechanism brightness contrast and color pictures
    Fix fading images typical of most online videos
    Effective suppression of video noise making the image illegible and grainy
    Built in mechanisms for color correction and color make the actors more natural
    Sharpen the text displayed on the screen will allow viewers to read the illegible subtitles
    Ability to play video in full screen mode without the jagged edges of the demonstration due to an increase in the image

    Annex CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer is available as a plugin for Windows Internet Explorer browser and allows users with their own eyes to see the difference in picture quality between the original YouTube videos and its improved version

    A NEW amp BETTER YouTube Experience
    Watching videos online is an international past time with the majority of viewers surfing to YouTube com Transform your video experience with CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer which delivers a sharper picture ultra high brightness deeper black levels with enhanced shadow details and better saturation Watching videos online will never be the same again

    Absolutely Amazing Quality
    After installing CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer your next visit at YouTube via Internet Explorer IE web browser will have a special visual treat in store the picture quality has already been redefined by CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer When you start playing your favorite videos you 39 ll notice a CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer icon located in the top right corner You may either keep enjoying videos using YouTube 39 s interface for navigation or click on the icon to launch the CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer application for a different kind of video experience

    Amazing in Full Screen
    Never compromise your full screen viewing pleasure at YouTube com again With CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer experience the amazing video quality provided by TrueTheater Enhancer as more fine details are revealed colors come alive in an enriched fashion and scenes are illuminated

    Sharpness and Lighting Adjustment
    The sharpness and lighting intensity can be set manually with CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer Simply drag the sliders to adjust to your liking
    TrueTheater Enhancer Display Modes for Instant Comparison

    With a slick interface and controls designed to enhance the YouTube viewing experience CyberLink TrueTheater Enhancer makes it easy to let you enjoy a truly enhanced picture Instantly compare the original video quality with TrueTheater Enhancer 39 s improved quality using the 2 display modes such as the side by side display or splitting the image down the middle into 2 equal divisions

  2. #2
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية كوكى زمالك

    رقم العضوية : 5633
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2009
    المشاركات : 6.265
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الجنس : male
    العمر : 33
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : كوكى زمالك غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 22




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