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- الإهدائات >> فراشة الاسلام الي فكك منى : المنتدى وحشنى اوووووووووووووووووووى رغم الفضاء والتصحر ده كوكى الي مصطفى شومان : انت فين يا ابنى انت انا جيييييييييييييت ده لو انت فاكرنى اصلا؟؟؟؟ فراشة الاسلام الي اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : كل سنة وانتوا طيبين وعيد سعيد عليكوا Mannora الي اصحااااااااااااب زمااان : مس يووووووووووووووو فينيام زمان كنا بنذاكر ع فكك ونطبق يوميا يخرب بيت الفيس بقى مجهول الي fokakmeny_down : منتدى ثقيل دم موووو حلووو أستغفر الله العظيم لولا الي كل المنتدى : وحشتونى وحشتونى وحشتونى وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبخير همسة الي فكك منى : وحشتنى يا منتدايا الغالى , سلامى لكل الناس اللى موجوده وبالأخص صحابى ,فكك منى 2007 و 2008 كان بيتنا وجنتنا. فراشة الاسلام الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : اووووووووووف الدراسة تانى مش هخلص انا شكلى باااااااااااااااى باااااااااااى فكك منى فراشة الاسلام الي كل كل اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : احلفكوا بأيه فوووووووقوا شوية .......حرام عليكم المنتدى عفن من كتر الركنة الشبح الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : لقد عاد شبح المنتدى من اراد منك شئ فليطلبة منى

معلومات الموضوع

تحميل AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta كامل و كراك و سيريال

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  1. #1
    The Dark Knight
    الصورة الرمزية The Dark Knight

    افتراضي تحميل AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta كامل و كراك و سيريال

    nbsp AnyDVD is a driver which descrambles DVD Movies automatically in the background This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well With AnyDVD 39 s help copy tools like CloneDVD Pinnacle Instant Copy InterVideo DVD Copy etc are able to copy CSS protected Movies You can remove the RPC region code thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like
    AnyDVD is capable of removing unwanted movie features including subtitles and prohibition messages such as copyright and FBI warnings It also allows you to launch an external application whenever you insert or remove a disc or prevent 39 PC friendly 39 software from automatically launching when you insert a video DVD
    AnyDVD decrypts not just DVDs AnyDVD allows you also to play copy and rip protected Audio CDs Decryption is not all that AnyDVD offers You can control the drive speed of your DVD drive allowing you to reduce the noise level when watching movies on your PC You can even adjust the display frequency of your monitor for both NTSC and PAL displays
    6 6 2 2 2010 02 06
    New HD DVD amp Blu ray Faster response time when changing settings during scan in progress
    New Blu ray Updated decryption keys
    New Blu ray Added support for new BD protections
    New Blu ray Added support for new structural protection
    New Blu ray Added workaround for District 9 US playback problem with PowerDVD
    New DVD Added support for new protections
    New DVD CSS archive now stores layer break VTS key for increased performance
    New DVD CSS keys are always stored regardless of the quot Use CSS archive quot setting
    New DVD Added workaround to AnyDVD ripper for quot Angel amp Demons rental quot Japan
    New Added more info to logfile
    New Information window while AnyDVD is scanning discs
    New Option to enable disable this window
    New Workaround for problems with some VMs and certain drives
    New Create logfiles for empty drives
    New Better handling of quot files in use quot during installation
    Change DVD CSS archive is enabled by default
    Change Replaced AnyDVD quot Safe Mode quot with quot Aggressive I O Mode quot
    Note Aggressive I O mode is disabled by default It might be required with some 3rd party software
    Please report which programs require it Thank you
    New Added warning message if applications requiring quot Aggressive I O Mode quot are installed
    New Added option to disable the quot Aggressive I O Mode quot warning message
    Fix DVD AI scanner removed non existant copy protection from quot Tomorrow Never Dies quot US
    Fix DVD AI scanner could mess up chapters with some discs e g quot Odyssey 5 quot UK
    Fix Driver verifier problem with ElbyCDIO sys
    Fix Various potential crashes
    Fix Changing a disc could be missed while AnyDVD is scanning a disc in another drive
    Fix Disabling power saving didn 39 t always work
    Some minor fixes and improvements
    Updated languages

    New or changed from 6 6 2 1 beta nbsp nbsp

  2. #2
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية كوكى زمالك

    رقم العضوية : 5633
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2009
    المشاركات : 6.265
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الجنس : male
    العمر : 33
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : كوكى زمالك غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 22




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