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- الإهدائات >> فراشة الاسلام الي فكك منى : المنتدى وحشنى اوووووووووووووووووووى رغم الفضاء والتصحر ده كوكى الي مصطفى شومان : انت فين يا ابنى انت انا جيييييييييييييت ده لو انت فاكرنى اصلا؟؟؟؟ فراشة الاسلام الي اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : كل سنة وانتوا طيبين وعيد سعيد عليكوا Mannora الي اصحااااااااااااب زمااان : مس يووووووووووووووو فينيام زمان كنا بنذاكر ع فكك ونطبق يوميا يخرب بيت الفيس بقى مجهول الي fokakmeny_down : منتدى ثقيل دم موووو حلووو أستغفر الله العظيم لولا الي كل المنتدى : وحشتونى وحشتونى وحشتونى وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبخير همسة الي فكك منى : وحشتنى يا منتدايا الغالى , سلامى لكل الناس اللى موجوده وبالأخص صحابى ,فكك منى 2007 و 2008 كان بيتنا وجنتنا. فراشة الاسلام الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : اووووووووووف الدراسة تانى مش هخلص انا شكلى باااااااااااااااى باااااااااااى فكك منى فراشة الاسلام الي كل كل اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : احلفكوا بأيه فوووووووقوا شوية .......حرام عليكم المنتدى عفن من كتر الركنة الشبح الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : لقد عاد شبح المنتدى من اراد منك شئ فليطلبة منى

معلومات الموضوع

تحميل Diskeeper 2010 14.0 Build 900a Professional / Home / Pro Premier / Home Server

رابط الموضوع لارساله الى اصدقائك

النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2
  1. #1
    The Dark Knight
    الصورة الرمزية The Dark Knight

    افتراضي تحميل Diskeeper 2010 14.0 Build 900a Professional / Home / Pro Premier / Home Server

    New Diskeeper reg performance software 2010 will make your PC s faster more efficient more reliable and last longer And use less electricity too How All computers suffer from fragmentation ndash where files are broken up and scattered all across your disk drives This makes it take longer to read write and save files Plus since your PC is working harder than it needs to more wear and tear occurs Diskeeper with new IntelliWrite trade fragmentation prevention resolves this by preventing up to 85 of all fragmentation from happening in the first place Any remaining fragmentation is quickly eliminated in real time thanks to Diskeeper rsquo s InvisiTasking reg technology With new Diskeeper 2010 your computers simply run better than new all the time Your computers will run faster with Diskeeper 2010 installed You rsquo ll enjoy using every aspect of your system mdash from downloading to accessing files to surfing the web with greater ease and efficiency
    Leave hang times freeze ups and other fragmentation based crashes in the dust

    File fragmentation on your computer rsquo s hard drive is one of the most basic reasons for slows hangs crashes and system errors Left alone it will bring your computer to a halt Fragmentation is continual and with the number of today rsquo s applications peripherals and file sizes it accumulates hourly No manual defragmenter will prevent this Diskeeper 2010 is the only defragmenter ever built that defragments in real time without requiring a schedule Your computer will run faster with Diskeeper 2010 installed period
    Available in Diskeeper 2010 InvisiTasking provides up to the moment defragmentation without tapping into active system resources The result completely invisible yet robust automatic defragmentation that acts in real time to keep your computer running at maximum performance
    InvisiTasking reg technology offers true transparent background processing technology allows Diskeeper 2010 to defragment your computer in real time completely eliminating the need for cumbersome maintenance operations Free up gridlocked resources and let your computer hum along at peak performance Diskeeper 2010 Professional enhances the reliability and performance of your computer mdash automatically
    Diskeeper 2010 I FAAST reg file optimization technology accelerates file access times to meet the heavy workloads of file intensive applications Utilizing a specially formulated technology I FAAST closely monitors file usage and organizes the most commonly accessed files for the fastest possible access boosting file access and creation to speeds above and beyond the capabilities of your system when it was new up to 80 faster nbsp
    High power computer systems require high power defragmentation engines Only Diskeeper 2010 includes the advanced technology necessary to eliminate large volume fragmentation found on big and busy computers The remarkable Terabyte Volume Engine trade TVE technology TVE is the only defrag technology with the necessary horsepower to eliminate the rapid fragmentation build up that occurs in high traffic volumes that handles millions of files
    TVE was initially developed for the highest capacity servers but has now also become essential for the high end power user Large databases CAD programs Diskeeper 2010 handles the biggest jobs fast and thoroughly The greater the number of files and fragments on a volume the more dramatic TVE 39 s benefits will be Nothing compares to TVE 39 s ability to eliminate enterprise level fragmentation In a class of its own TVE makes real time power computer defragmentation a fact

  2. #2
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية كوكى زمالك

    رقم العضوية : 5633
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2009
    المشاركات : 6.265
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الجنس : male
    العمر : 33
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : كوكى زمالك غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 22




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