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here is new poem
story that may really happend
or gonna happen one day
it's the new one and maybe the last one
i dunno but i feel something bad is happenin
i'm lossin something
cuz he just said :
Honey do you need a ride ??
She was drinking at a party
On a raging New Year's Eve
She had to be home early
She knew she had to leave
"Honey do you need a ride"
Her boyfriend sweetly said
She just smiled back at him
And quickly shook her head
"I've got to leave right now
So I'll just take my car...
But don't you worry, sweetheart
Cause I won't drive too far"
Unaware she'd been drinking,
He watched her drive away
She knew that this was wrong
But she did it anyway
"I only had a couple drinks
I know that I'll survive"
She kept saying in her head
As she went for this short drive
The alcohol took over her
She wasn't thinking straight
She assumed that there was no one
Who'd be driving out this late
She ran all of the stop lights
As she sped along the road
Never thinking of the pain
This night would soon behold
But out of nowhere, came a car
She screamed as headlights flashed
She flew out of the windshield
As both of their cars crashed
She woke up laying on the ground
Sirens screaming in the night
She was bleeding quite a bit
But she knew she'd be alright
With dread, she saw the other car
That had rolled down the hill
She knew this was her fault
As she started feeling ill
But when she saw the body
Tears started falling down
As she looked down to find
!!!Her dead boyfriend on the ground
m3a eny mosh fahm 90% mn L kalam da:">
bs ana 7ases enno kalam gamed
thnxxxxxxxxxxxxx ya man 3h maghod
it s not easy to loss our love ... inaddition of that ..... when it s our fault
god with us
thnx criss
and thanxxxxxxx
this is all what i can say
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas it's not
for god sake I hate that !!
thanxxxxx hegazy
mnawar as usual![]()
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Criss Angel ; 01-07-2008 الساعة 12:08 AM
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