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اللهم اعطنا القوة لندرك أن الخائفين لا يصنعون الحرية ، و الضعفاء لا يخلقون الكرامة ، و المترددين لن تقوى أيديهم المرتعشة على البناء

- الإهدائات >> فراشة الاسلام الي فكك منى : المنتدى وحشنى اوووووووووووووووووووى رغم الفضاء والتصحر ده كوكى الي مصطفى شومان : انت فين يا ابنى انت انا جيييييييييييييت ده لو انت فاكرنى اصلا؟؟؟؟ فراشة الاسلام الي اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : كل سنة وانتوا طيبين وعيد سعيد عليكوا Mannora الي اصحااااااااااااب زمااان : مس يووووووووووووووو فينيام زمان كنا بنذاكر ع فكك ونطبق يوميا يخرب بيت الفيس بقى مجهول الي fokakmeny_down : منتدى ثقيل دم موووو حلووو أستغفر الله العظيم لولا الي كل المنتدى : وحشتونى وحشتونى وحشتونى وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبخير همسة الي فكك منى : وحشتنى يا منتدايا الغالى , سلامى لكل الناس اللى موجوده وبالأخص صحابى ,فكك منى 2007 و 2008 كان بيتنا وجنتنا. فراشة الاسلام الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : اووووووووووف الدراسة تانى مش هخلص انا شكلى باااااااااااااااى باااااااااااى فكك منى فراشة الاسلام الي كل كل اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : احلفكوا بأيه فوووووووقوا شوية .......حرام عليكم المنتدى عفن من كتر الركنة الشبح الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : لقد عاد شبح المنتدى من اراد منك شئ فليطلبة منى

معلومات الموضوع

body shop للشباب

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النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4

الموضوع: body shop للشباب

  1. #1
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية كوكى

    رقم العضوية : 5786
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2009
    المشاركات : 2.274
    مزاجي : Brooding
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الجنس : ذكر
    العمر : 44
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : كوكى غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 18

    body shop للشباب

  2. #2
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية حكايه

    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jan 1970
    المشاركات : 11.635
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الجنس : male
    العمر : 42
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : حكايه غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 67


    الله عليكى...روعه

  3. #3
    عضو شرفي
    الصورة الرمزية GeLoOo

    رقم العضوية : 13321
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jul 2010
    المشاركات : 8.596
    مزاجي : Angelic
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره مرة واحدة في مشاركة واحدة
    الدولة : مـــــصـــــر
    الجنس : ذكر
    العمر : 34
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : GeLoOo غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 23



  4. #4
    الصورة الرمزية asdasdzwqn

    رقم العضوية : 43965
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2012
    المشاركات : 2
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الدولة : Canada
    الجنس : راجل
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني : أضفنى الى الفيس بوك قم بزيارتى على اليوتيوب تابعنى على تويتر
    الحالة : asdasdzwqn غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 0

    افتراضي Fitness Gadgets To produce Working out A lot more Entertaining

    As technologies becomes much more and more integrated into our lives, businesses are generating all sorts of awesome fitness gadgets to assist us maintain track of our wellness and prompt us to step up our amount of physical activity. These physical exercise gadgets range from straightforward pedometers to complicated physical exercise apps that can keep track of one's every day caloric intake by logging every little thing you eat. From wi-fi enabled bathroom scales to sleep track monitors, you are able to locate and track just about anything associated to physical fitness. For all those that prefer to hold detailed data these devices work great and can be a great tool for monitoring how effective their workouts are also as ensure they remain on track. Usually speaking, the much more you can measure your progress towards a aim, the a lot more most likely you might be to attain it. Fitness tracking devices along with other exercise gadgets can truly help hold you motivated also. Lots of companies are starting to incorporate wi-fi into their devices as well. This enables the user to save whatever data they may be tracking to a computer or web site. A lot of organizations use this to create a social component to help motivate men and women too. By permitting you to share your information with other users on the web, communities kind which fosters competition and creates accountability that might not otherwise have already been attainable alone. Fitness + Technologies = A lot of Data For example, certainly one of the biggest communities of this kind belongs to Nike+. Nike makes a complete range of fitness accessories that can track your runs, monitor calories burned, sync stats for your phone, and all types of other awesome stuff. Operating out all of a sudden becomes like a video game where you are able to gather rewards and unlock achievements for different activities too as compare and compete with other people. In fact, they may be even about to introduce Nike+ Kinect instruction for the Xbox 360 within the fall that will generate personalized instruction applications and coaching that evolves as your body does. Using the explosion of mobile apps, there has been a huge enhance inside the quantity of fitness connected apps in the marketplace. Apps can help you count calories, supply private coaching, map out exactly where you've walked, play music to have you pumped for a run and just about anything else you are able to feel of. Sleep trackers have also turn into a really well-liked inside the final couple years. They enable you to track issues like the top quality of one's sleep, how extended you slept for, how lengthy it took you to fall asleep, just how much you moved through the evening and all types of other exciting information. More than time, gathering this sort of data can truly go a extended way towards helping you pinpoint patterns or difficulties that might be preventing you from obtaining an excellent nights rest. Naturally this sort technologies just isn't for everyone, and like with any other technology, it can introduce a complete other amount of frustration and complexity to your exercise routine. But even though you happen to be not truly techy kind person you can nonetheless get lots of benefit from maintaining track of the fitness goals, even if just on paper. For essentially the most part, these gadgets are exactly that. But should you like playing with toys and technology they're able to be a truly entertaining strategy to add another dimension for your exercise regimen. You'll find truly a lot of neat small accessories available, so in case you have any interest at all in terms of fitness and technologies, they are undoubtedly worth checking out. There's a renowned quote that says "what gets measured, gets managed" and in relation to working out these words are very correct. In case you do not take the time to track your progress and see whether or not or not you are enhancing then it's tough to understand if your workouts are powerful and be capable of make the needed adjustments. Immediately after all, should you are going to invest the time and energy to obtain fit, then would not you desire to make sure you are spending that time in the most efficient and productive way feasible? Workout and fitness ought to be about leading a wholesome life style, and also the Exercising Gear Fanatic is all about offering data and guidelines to assist get you there. We appear forward to seeing what new and thrilling fitness gadgets businesses come up with!


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