Adobe reg Photoshop reg Lightroom trade software is the professional photographer 39 s essential toolbox providing one easy application for managing adjusting and presenting large volumes of digital photographs so you can spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens So you can spend less time sorting and refining photographs and more time actually shooting them Its clean elegant interface literally steps out of the way and lets you quickly view and work with the images you shot today as well as the thousands of images that you will shoot over the course of your career Because no two photographers work alike Adobe Lightroom adapts to your workflow not the other way around
Lightroom lets you view zoom in and compare photographs quickly and easily Precise photography specific adjustments allow you to fine tune your images while maintaining the highest level of image quality from capture through output And best of all it runs on most commonly used computers even notebook computers used on location
New Adobe reg Photoshop reg Lightroom reg 2 helps you sort and find the photos you want faster target specific photo areas for more precise adjustments and showcase your talent using more flexible printing templates A host of other new features and enhancements make Lightroom 2 an essential upgrade for professional photographers