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AMD released version 9 6 of their ATI video card driver package
Performance Improvements
Company of Heroes ndash performance improves up to 25 with HD 4600 series products and below as well as improvements of up to 10 on HD 4800 series
Crysis ndash performance improves up to 13 in multi GPU configurations
Crysis Warhead ndash performance improves up to 11 in multi GPU configurations
World in Conflict ndash performance improvements of up to 30 can be seen in settings that were previously CPU limited
Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
Some systems with both a component video display and a secondary display it is now possible to duplicate the displays using the display settings
Catalyst Control Center Graphics corruption no longer visible when updating the ATI Graphics Power settings
Catalyst Control Center System no longer fails to set the Component Video modes
Catalyst Control Center no longer shows Crossfire as disabled
Catalyst Control Center Default HDTV modes can now be enabled properly
Enabling CrossFire under specific system configurations no longer causes Catalyst Control Center to stop responding
Intermittent corruption no longer visible throughout Enemy Territory Quake Wars levels
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