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oh really !!!!!
okay okay gotta goooooooo
lOoOoOoOoOl :P
Ohh.... bye, then... I guess I'll have to go back to my tracking monitor and photographs of you drinking milk...
You know, I killed a wolf today. It was eating my zucchini plants. And after I shot it through the heart, it turned into a dead man. I had to burn him...
u know what
I think he is a wolfer I saw one the last month he was runnin here in cairo
Maybe we should get some vampires to chase them away...
vampire !!!!!!!!!!!
I'm vampire ......... u know how old I'm ???
I'm 1179 years old
but I'm not pure I was transformed by pure vampire in 828
I was 19
and now I''m 19
looooooooooooool :P
Sounds cool.
But that wolf guy bit me... I guess that means we're natural enemies.
See you next moon...
who told u that I'm gonna wait to the next moon
If u r my enemie so I have to kill u b4 u get ur powr !!!
and u have to know that vampires r stronger
You're right! We should get killing right now.
You know it's daylight here... I could just drag your coffin into the sunshine and throw open the door!
oh god
noooooooooooo plz
okay I'm comein back
in the night take care It's not gonna be in the next moon
watch out for your neck ........ seems that urblood gonna be delicious
see u
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Criss Angel ; 11-08-2007 الساعة 03:46 PM
Uh-oh... Maybe I should invest in garlic pajamas...
I will find a good hiding place for a few hundred years, until I can change whenever I want! Then, I'll be seeing you...
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