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- الإهدائات >> فراشة الاسلام الي فكك منى : المنتدى وحشنى اوووووووووووووووووووى رغم الفضاء والتصحر ده كوكى الي مصطفى شومان : انت فين يا ابنى انت انا جيييييييييييييت ده لو انت فاكرنى اصلا؟؟؟؟ فراشة الاسلام الي اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : كل سنة وانتوا طيبين وعيد سعيد عليكوا Mannora الي اصحااااااااااااب زمااان : مس يووووووووووووووو فينيام زمان كنا بنذاكر ع فكك ونطبق يوميا يخرب بيت الفيس بقى مجهول الي fokakmeny_down : منتدى ثقيل دم موووو حلووو أستغفر الله العظيم لولا الي كل المنتدى : وحشتونى وحشتونى وحشتونى وكل سنة وانتم طيبين وبخير همسة الي فكك منى : وحشتنى يا منتدايا الغالى , سلامى لكل الناس اللى موجوده وبالأخص صحابى ,فكك منى 2007 و 2008 كان بيتنا وجنتنا. فراشة الاسلام الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : اووووووووووف الدراسة تانى مش هخلص انا شكلى باااااااااااااااى باااااااااااى فكك منى فراشة الاسلام الي كل كل اعضاء منتدى فكك منى : احلفكوا بأيه فوووووووقوا شوية .......حرام عليكم المنتدى عفن من كتر الركنة الشبح الي كل اعضاء فكك منى : لقد عاد شبح المنتدى من اراد منك شئ فليطلبة منى

معلومات الموضوع

love story

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الموضوع: love story

  1. #1
    عضو إداري سابق
    الصورة الرمزية Essoo

    رقم العضوية : 50
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2007
    المشاركات : 1.229
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الدولة : zagazig
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : Essoo غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 19

    افتراضي love story

    This is a love story that u will never forget...
    He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after
    while he was so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the
    party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but
    due to being polite, she promised.
    They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she
    felt uncomfortable, she thought, please, let me go home.. suddenly he asked
    the waiter: "would you please give me some salt? I'd like to put it in my
    Everybody stared at him, so strange! His face turned red, but, still,
    he put the salt in his coffee and drank it. She asked him curiously: why you
    have this hobby?
    He replied: "when I was a little boy, I was living near the sea,
    I liked playing in the sea, I could feel the taste of the sea , just
    like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee,
    I always think of my childhood, think of my hometown, I miss my hometown
    so much, I miss my parents who are still living there". While saying that
    tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched.
    That's his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart. A man who can
    tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about
    home, has responsibility of home.. Then she also started to speak, spoke about
    her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice
    talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story.

    They continued to date. She found that actually he was a man who meets
    all her demands; he had tolerance, was kind hearted, warm, careful. He was
    such a good person but she almost missed him! Thanks to his salty coffee!
    Then the story was just like every beautiful love story, the princess
    married to the prince, then they were living the happy life... And, every time she
    made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee, as she knew that's the
    way he liked it.

    After 40 years, he passed away, left her a letter which said: "My dearest,
    please forgive me, forgive my whole life lie. This was the only lie I said
    to you---the salty coffee. Remember the first time we dated? I was so
    nervous at that time, actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt It
    was hard for me to change so I just went ahead. I never thought that could
    be the start of our communication!

    I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too
    afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.. Now I'm
    dying, I afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I don't like the salty
    coffee, what a strange bad taste.. But I have had the salty coffee for my whole
    life! Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you.
    Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live
    for the second time, still want to know you and have you for my whole life,
    even though I have to drink the salty coffee again".

    Her tears made the letter totally wet.
    Someday, someone asked her: what's the taste of salty coffee?

    It's sweet. She replied.

    “Love is not selfish and it is not being happy ….. it is to make happy whom you love even if you are unhappy with it.”

    I like this love story sooo much

    I hope U like it too

  2. #2
    نجح و جاب جيد
    الصورة الرمزية Criss Angel

    رقم العضوية : 22
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2007
    المشاركات : 668
    شكراً : 0
    تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة
    الدولة : in your mind
    الجنس : male
    العمر : 35
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني :
    الحالة : Criss Angel غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 18


    woooow sis
    what a great story I really like It
    and u know he is great liaer too
    such a lover man who can spnd all his life drinkin salty coffee just for his lover girl
    thank u again sis great love story
    weatin for more
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Criss Angel ; 06-07-2007 الساعة 06:21 PM

  3. #3
    صاحب الموقع
    الصورة الرمزية Silent Guardian

    رقم العضوية : 1
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2007
    المشاركات : 8.277
    مزاجي : Cynical
    شكراً : 35
    تم شكره 21 مرة في 20 مشاركة
    مقالات المدونة : 15
    الدولة : في بيتنا
    الجنس : راجل
    العمر : 36
    بيانات الاتصال :
    تابعني : أضفنى الى الفيس بوك قم بزيارتى على اليوتيوب تابعنى على تويتر
    الحالة : Silent Guardian غير متواجد حالياً
    تقييم المستوى : 10


    oh, what a good story Esso,
    I really liked it
    and was touched too
    thanx Esso


معلومات الموضوع

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الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)


المواضيع المتشابهه

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