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Mozilla Firefox faster more secure easier to use and sporting a new look this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation Mozilla Firefox project formerly Firebird which was formerly Phoenix is a redesign of Mozilla 39 s browser component written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross platform It is small fast and easy to use and offers many advantages over other web browsers such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop up windows Firefox has the most ways to customize your online experience specifically for the way you use the web There are more than 6 000 Add ons little extras that augment Firefox to meet your unique needs just waiting out there to help you do more have more fun and be more creative online Firefox keeps your personal info personal and your online interests away from the bad guys Simply put your security is our top priority
Firefox 3 6 code named Namoroka is based upon Gecko 1 9 2 Please collect information about changes that will impact developers here and our happy helpful documentation gnomes will make sure that articles are written to explain your hard coding work
Namoroka will employ a highly iterative milestone based development process which will rely on feedback from developers testers and users to ensure that we are properly investing time and resources An initial exploration phase will be used to investigate development cost and benefit as well as to create user interaction prototypes This will be followed by an alpha development phase for early user testing and feedback and then a beta phase for broader compatibility testing
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