RSS Poster not automatically posting untill I manually do it!?! Why is it so?

RSS Poster not automatically posting untill I manually do it!?! Why is it so?

My forum has automatic RSS posting enabled for one section. But I have to manually run it to get it to post the latest feeds to the forum. I have read that the scheduled RSS feed posting happens only when there' some activity in the forum. But my forum is brand new and hasn't got any members yet...

So do i get it to work automatically like a scheduled cron job?

I don't know how to set up a cron job for this either, if anyone knows please give me small clear instruction on settingup a cron job for the RSS poster in vbulletin 4.02.

Thanks in advance,

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RSS Poster not automatically posting untill I manually do it!?! Why is it so?

RSS Poster not automatically posting untill I manually do it!?! Why is it so?

RSS Poster not automatically posting untill I manually do it!?! Why is it so?