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Adding a user profile field to postbit section
Adding a user profile field to postbit section
So I have a user profile field that users must select an option when registering. I want this to show up in the postbit section under the amount of posts a user has made. This worked in vbulletin 3.8.2 for me, but now that I'm on 4.0.2 it doesn't work properly. I can get it to work but it doesn't fit in with the style of the other profile fields in the postbit section. For example, everything such as location and posts will have a box around it, but when I add the code to show this user profile field it doesn't contain the box around it. Can anyone help me out?
ملحوظة هامة جدا جدا جدا
التحميل من موقعنا مبااااااااااااااااشر
و لكن يتطلب منك ادخال اسم مستخدم و باسورد
هذه هي بيانات التحميل
اسم المستخدم
كلمة المرور
في حالة وجود خطأ لا تتردوا بالاتصال بنا قسم البريد
او من نموذج الاتصال بنا
Adding a user profile field to postbit section
Adding a user profile field to postbit section
Adding a user profile field to postbit section
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