- الإهدائات >> |
tha truth won't leave u ... u'll not be able to hide or run
so be smart & except it ... live with it ... make it ur friend
here is the poem ...
Days pass , months & years ...
lonely , no one wipes my hidden tears
my soul screams but no one damn hears ...
sicked & tired of claiming that I've no fear
sad lives hidden behind stupid mask ...
no one understand , care or ask
I became alone against this cruel world ...
eyes stare at me without saying even word
whom shuld I trust , what can I do 4 this life ????
life is full of wars , fights & hate , that's very rife
In uncounted seconds , wars turn to peace ...
& hate disapears like very tiny piece
but there still another war ... open ur heart , u'll see more
of fights inside ur body ... open ur mind & get ready
4 tha next words ... they'll afford
u chance 2 see tha truth .. from me
, I'll let words 2 give u chance 2 see
ourbodies live in full of frustrations
that's the truth not stupid assumption
there is fight between self & soul
one guides u to rise , one leads u to fall
there is fight between heart & brain
one lets u live in worry & pain
& lets u live flipped between glad & sad
other lets u sleep on comfurt's pad
wonder & just wonder that's how life is
or human is guilty but doesn't confess
"who is the vectim & who has the power"
who has the courage & who is the coward
In fact , we cann't change others if we couldn't change us
how can lost guid ? how can blind lead ? should rich fuss?
who lives on the top doesn't look down
til he slips or fallen down on the ground
that's not the rule of life
but it happens... very rife
Life is life , everything changes
nothing stays on its range
anything is possible
nothing stays stable
our dreams gotta be our aims
we gotta achieve em' & win tha game
we're the people who choose how we'll be
the truth is simple 4 who wanna see
& 4 who refusing the fake
don't search & don't ask 4 stake
the truth is in front of ur eyes
take it or leave it , be fool or be wise
the truth is simple 4 who wanna believe
u can face it & u can run away & leave
don't tire ur self searching 4 place to hide
there is no place even this world is so wide
u may hide weaks , months & may years
but u wonn't hide forever, just face ur fears
who choose to live behind tha prison, instead of freedom??
many things in this life r so clear & don't need wisedom
just open ur eyes ,,, & don't live in lie
tha truth is in front of ur eyes
take it or leave it , be fool or be wise
Hope u like it
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Criss Angel ; 21-09-2007 الساعة 06:25 PM
i really like ...iloved it truly specially the first one thank u sweetie
تسلم يا باشا على الموضوع يا معلم
ارحم شوية
thank u v much ARIKA for passin it's mean alot for me to see u here
reallythank god u like it
but tell me y specially the first one
ohhhhhh look who is here !!!!!
stars storm
our star is here looool
thank u bro for passing
ar7am eh b2a be el zabt ??? d ana .... 7'las blash b2a !!! hehehehehe
thank u guyz
بجد حلوه موووووووووووووووووووووت
بس ممكن اسال سؤال
الكلام ده منقول ولا انت اللي كاتبه
the Idea is used b4
but the words is by me
thanxxxxxxxx Boshaaa
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
الإجراءات : (من قرأ ؟)
لم يشاهد الموضوع أي عضو حتى الأن.
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