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DAEMON Tools is an advanced application for Microsoft Windows which provides one of the best optical media emulation in the industry
With DAEMON Tools you can back up your physical CD DVD HD DVD Blu ray discs into ldquo virtual discs rdquo or so called ldquo disc image rdquo files which run directly on your hard drive You can also work with images created by other burning programs DAEMON Tools supports variety of image types Use CD DVD image converter to have one format images in your Image Catalog
A virtual disc has much better access rates than a physical one in a corresponding physical drive because the reading speed of a virtual CD DVD HD DVD Blu ray ROM is 50x faster compared to normal drive
With DAEMON Tools you would receive up to 32 virtual SCSI drives and 2 virtual IDE drives that behave just like the ldquo real rdquo physical ones
No more CD DVD drive noise No waiting for disc loading No need to buy external optical drive for your netbook DAEMON Tools enables you to use your CD DVD images as if they were already burned to CD DVD
اين الكراك
البرنامج لا يحتاج الى كراك
فقط البرنامج
كل الفرق بين النسخة المدفوعة و النسخة المجانية
هو ان المدفوعة لها دعم فني عن طريق الانترنت
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Silent Guardian ; 03-11-2009 الساعة 11:49 AM
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