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Finally , Me avril fan , if u asked me wut do
you think abt rock n' meetal 2 years ago .. i would say gosh it SUX n
i dunno y those stoopid ppl scream all the times and their
noisy music n there freaky still loooool .. ya3ni i was listenin
to pop n rab music ... but things changed hehe .. to tell the
truth , any1 who falls in the meetal world , there's noway
that he getout of it ... it's real music and not any 1 can understand it
in the end plz don't forget to answer thos q ......
**If you listen to english music , what kind of music do u listen to
Do u think that meetal music is aweful or cool**
What do u think abt the gothic n meetal style**
What do u think abt ppl who just listen to this kind of music**
What do u think the good n the bad thing abt meetal music**
I wanna see ur reply
wonderful topic
it change my point of view about meetal and the black one espicially
but i wont listen to it .. as i hate noise ..
sorry lekosan
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Criss Angel ; 21-08-2007 الساعة 11:59 AM
(Is a goth chick and meetal head Rock on, Lekosan!
Taha, it's a very special noise, a noise arranged in artistic ways that sound beautiful.I'm listening to Moonspell right now. (Classified as black ( meetal
This thread just made my day. :D
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Criss Angel ; 21-08-2007 الساعة 11:57 AM سبب آخر: the forum has prob with the word M E T A L
come on man I know It's not ur mood :D
u r romance :P
I hope u really like the topic but plz u didn't answer the q !!!!!
waiting for the answer bro
hey girl ..... how r u ??
yes taha it's as she said
oooohhhhh moonspell
yes it's blck ...... but so black looool
I like it soooo much
hey by the way wat abt the qs ??
come on everybody say some thing
answer the qs r u shay:P
thank u probably for the reply and hope that u like the topic
wonderful topic iam afan of avril my self...any wy thank u 4 this wonderful topical
u r welcome sis
no way I'm sure u r not fan of avril like me
no body can be fan like me loooooool :P
thank u for the reply
seems that nobody wanna answer the qs !!!!
I am afraid to try to reply again... why am I banned? I didn't mean to have a potty mouth, or whatever made me kicked out! Really I didn't!
hey probably
nobody kicked u out hunnie
whats rong ??
I typed a post here some time back... suddenly I got a notification of banned-ness, with a freedom date of never. It didn't specify any reason, but I assumed it disliked some of the words I used, or something... It's lunacy, I say!
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