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This is the official driver package for Realtek HD Audio Solutions It includes all driver files and the control center for Realtek HD Audio devices for Windows 2000 XP and Vista The package includes the 32 and the 64 Bit binaries Realtek HD Audio Driver is supporting all of Realtek HD Audio Codec in Vista WinXP Win2000 Win2003 ALC882 ALC883 ALC885 ALC888 ALC889 ALC861VD ALC660 ALC662 ALC663 ALC665 ALC260 ALC262 ALC267 ALC268 ALC269 ALC272 ALC273 ALC887
Changes in R2 26
Vista Windows 7 WHQL Supporting ALC882 ALC883 ALC885 ALC888 ALC889 ALC861VD ALC660 ALC662 ALC663 ALC665 ALC260 ALC262 ALC267 ALC268 ALC269 ALC272 ALC273 ALC887
Windows 2000 XP WHQL Supporting ALC880 ALC882 ALC883 ALC885 ALC888 ALC889 ALC861VC ALC861VD ALC660 ALC662 ALC663 ALC665 ALC260 ALC262 ALC267 ALC268 ALC269 ALC272 ALC273 ALC887
HDMI Device WHQL Support ATI HDMI Devices
OS Supporting Microsoft WindowsXP Widnows2000 Windows Server 2003 Vista Windows Server 2008 Windows7 x86 x64
Pack with Microsoft High Definition Audio UAAV1 0a 5013
Add Fix
1 Driver
1 Customizations
2 Update SRS components
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