- الإهدائات >> |
Daemon Tools is an advanced application for multiprotection emulation It is further development of Generic Safedisc emulator and incorporates all its features This program allows running Backup Copies of SafeDisc C Dilla Securom or Laserlock protected games Also included is a Virtual DVDROM drive Generic STEALTH DVDROM enabling you to use your CD images as if they were already burned to CD DAEMON Tools works under Windows9x ME NT 2000 XP with all types of CD DVDROM drives IDE SCSI and supports nearly any CD protection
Changes in version 4 30 4
Windows 7 beta supporting SPTD 1 58
Protected images creation Password field on Disc Imaging dialog
Compressed images creation Compress option on Disc Imaging dialog
Image Catalog item was moved to the first level of Main Menu
mdf file type association option
Languages updates
Bugs fixed
Devices speeds detection
Lite ON DHXXXXX drives supporting
Large RAID volumes issue
Mounting converting B6T DVD images
Setup improving Unicode supporting
Some minor GUI bugs
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