تحميل هاك notice scroll like vbteams!! Vb3.8.X مجانا
notice scroll like vbteams!!
notice scroll like vbteams!!
hoxxy if you want this removed just ask
go into notice and type this
#rotatenotice p{
margin:0 0 10px;
text-shadow:1px 1px 0
Yourtext here
Yourtext here
Yourtext here
Yourtext here
Yourtext here
edit the red and tada
now make a new file called jquery.innerfade.js and here is the script for that
/* ================================================== =======
// jquery.innerfade.js
* $('#news').innerfade({
* animationtype: Type of animation 'fade' or 'slide' (Default: 'fade'),
* speed: Fading-/Sliding-Speed in milliseconds or keywords (slow, normal or fast) (Default: 'normal'),
* timeout: Time between the fades in milliseconds (Default: '2000'),
* type: Type of slideshow: 'sequence', 'random' or 'random_start' (Default: 'sequence'),
* containerheight: Height of the containing element in any css-height-value (Default: 'auto'),
* runningclass: CSS-Class which the container get’s applied (Default: 'innerfade'),
* children: optional children selector (Default: null)
* });
// ================================================== ======= */
(function($) {
$.fn.innerfade = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
$.innerfade(this, options);
$.innerfade = function(container, options) {
var settings = {
'animationtype': 'fade',
'speed': 'normal',
'type': 'sequence',
'timeout': 2000,
'containerheight': 'auto',
'runningclass': 'innerfade',
'children': null
if (options)
$.extend(settings, options);
if (settings.children === null)
var elements = $(container).children();
var elements = $(container).children(settings.children);
if (elements.length > 1) {
$(container).css('position', 'relative').css('height', settings.containerheight).addClass(settings.runnin gclass);
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
$(elements[i]).css('z-index', String(elements.length-i)).css('position', 'absolute').hide();
if (settings.type == "sequence") {
setTimeout(function() {
$.innerfade.next(elements, settings, 1, 0);
}, settings.timeout);
} else if (settings.type == "random") {
var last = Math.floor ( Math.random () * ( elements.length ) );
setTimeout(function() {
do {
current = Math.floor ( Math.random ( ) * ( elements.length ) );
} while (last == current );
$.innerfade.next(elements, settings, current, last);
}, settings.timeout);
} else if ( settings.type == 'random_start' ) {
settings.type = 'sequence';
var current = Math.floor ( Math.random () * ( elements.length ) );
$.innerfade.next(elements, settings, (current + 1) % elements.length, current);
}, settings.timeout);
} else {
alert('Innerfade-Type must either be \'sequence\', \'random\' or \'random_start\'');
$.innerfade.next = function(elements, settings, current, last) {
if (settings.animationtype == 'slide') {
} else if (settings.animationtype == 'fade') {
$(elements[current]).fadeIn(settings.speed, function() {
} else
alert('Innerfade-animationtype must either be \'slide\' or \'fade\'');
if (settings.type == "sequence") {
if ((current + 1) < elements.length) {
current = current + 1;
last = current - 1;
} else {
current = 0;
last = elements.length - 1;
} else if (settings.type == "random") {
last = current;
while (current == last)
current = Math.floor(Math.random() * elements.length);
} else
alert('Innerfade-Type must either be \'sequence\', \'random\' or \'random_start\'');
setTimeout((function() {
$.innerfade.next(elements, settings, current, last);
}), settings.timeout);
// **** remove Opacity-Filter in ie ****
function removeFilter(element) {
Credit's Go to Hoxxy if you want a demo look at the notice's here
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notice scroll like vbteams!!
notice scroll like vbteams!!
notice scroll like vbteams!!