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LimeWire is the world 39 s most popular peer to peer file sharing program It is open standard software running on an open protocol free for the public to use LimeWire allows you to share any file such as mp3 avi jpg tiff etc allows you to search for multiple files at the same time available in several different languages and is most famous for its ease of use and cross platform compatibility With over 70 million unique monthly users the software is downloaded hundreds of thousands of times every day and boasts millions of active users at any given moment LimeWire uses the BitTorrent protocol and the Gnutella network to provide an unparalleled searches and download speed to the user Limewire is written in Java and will run on Windows Macintosh Linux Solaris and other computing platforms As always LimeWire takes the security of its users very seriously and will never bundle spyware adware or viruses
1 NO BUNDLED SOFTWARE OF ANY KIND No spyware No adware Guaranteed
2 Faster network connections Using new quot UDP Host Caches quot LimeWire starts up and connects faster then ever before
3 Universal Plug 39 N Play UPnP support allows LimeWire to find more search results and have faster downloads
4 iTunes Integration Windows users can now take advantage of LimeWire 39 s iTunes integration
5 Firewall to Firewall Transfers Since about 60 of users are currently firewalled this feature greatly increases the amount of content on the network
6 Creative Commons Integration LimeWire now recognizes OGGs and MP3s licensed under a Creative Commons License
7 quot What 39 s New quot feature Users can browse the network for the most recent content additions
8 Search drill down results Searches in LimeWire now immediately display the artists albums and other information that fully describes files
9 Proxy support Users can now use web proxies to route their to protect their identity
10 Support for International searches and International groups Users can now search in any language and LimeWire ensures that a user will be connected to other users with their own language to aide international users to receive search results in their native language and to find content from sources that are close to home
م:ah:شكوووووووووووووووووووو ووووووووووووووووووووووور
no man pls peas:سفن::n:
كس امكم لازم نسجل ونحط رد كمان إش الوصاخه دي وبعدين الإيميل صرفتلكم إميل من راسي ههه
:ور::ور::ور::ور::ور::ور::ور::ور:: ر:
Machkour my friend
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